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Ministry UpdatesRead the Latest News & Updates from El Jordán

Soria Family

Today, on Resurrection Sunday, we praise God for His accepted sacrifice, the sacrifice that paid our “wage” … He has PROVIDED for us!!! Yesterday when I took this picture I was reminded of that truth, GOD OUR PROVIDER!!!

Yesterday, I arrived at the Ebenezer Boy’s Home to drop off a donation of vegetables that had been sent for them…. The first thing I saw was a piece of a palm branch, tied outside their gate… a reminder of EASTER and its meaning to us…

I was overwhelmed with God’s love and mercy…. GOD THE PROVIDER…. He loves us so much He sent His Son to die on the cross to pay the price of our sins.... Praise God… That love and mercy so intricate, so complex…. SO amazing, so personal, that God the Provider, looks down and sees these boys... And provides for their needs...

El Jordan - 2020 04 12(For those who might have missed the email about the Ebenezer’s Boys’ Home, Marco Nogales who founded and poured his heart and life into this home for special needs boys, passed away, in this quarantine – not related to COVID – leaving his 10 boys alone… One of the solutions suggested by social services was to send the boys to different homes where ever there was room… Marco N. always treated these boys like family, so the neighbour lady, Maria (the boys call her “mom”) has said she will be responsible for the home and keep the boys together…)

I have always been fascinated by telescopes and microscopes (although I really haven’t had many opportunities to use them)… The amazingness of God can be found in the immense enormity (beyond belief) as well as the infinitesimal minuteness (beyond belief) in His creation… His breath-taking awesomeness can also be seen in His love and vision for the ENTIRE WORLD as it can be for the LEAST of these…

Our El Jordan families live day to day…. each day selling socks, washing clothes, making cake or other things to be able to have enough food for the day… Our city has been on quarantine for almost one month now…. And God has lovingly provided for our El Jordan families during this time…. And as a center we are also sending out little Bible studies for the moms (and other ones for the kids) to do from Monday to Friday… (as well as little tips of what to cook with little!) Our prayer is that during this very difficult time for them, they will SEE and KNOW that GOD IS THE PROVIDER.

I want to share with you some of the little notes that our students have written in this time…

“We are so thankful to the people who from so far away, are helping us. In these difficult times we are going through, the help you gave us was such a help for our family… because we didn’t have any food left in the house for our children to eat. We are so thankful, first to God because everything is from Him, but he manifests Himself through such kind people like you. We will always be praying for you people who help us through El Jordan.” Juan Carlos and Marisol

“Good afternoon! Wishing you a beautiful day… and praying that our Father God blesses you each day. I thank God for putting in your heart to help me in many areas of my life. Thank you for the homework that you send which has helped me a lot in these days. Thank you for feeding us with His Word every day. Thank you very much. The El Jordan family has shown me so much love. Thank you for not forgetting about us and always looking for ways to help us…” Katherin (single mother of 3)

“First of all, I want to give thanks to “God”. When I received my gift from you, I got goosebumps thinking about God, how HE never abandons us… He is in control. He is the only one we can count on. Thank YOU to those who have been supportive to us in these difficult days. May God bless you…. Because of you, our family was able to smile today. We are very grateful!” Patricia and Marcelo

“May God bless your lives. My family and I are very thankful for all of your help. I know that God takes care of us… and that HE will take care of you as well… You brought happiness to my life and my heart reminding me that God is Faithful. Greetings to Canada.” Laura Aguilar (over 20 years on the streets, now 4 years knowing God!!!)

And from one of our workers who helps hand out both material and spiritual help when our girls come to pick up their help: “Today I felt such a huge happiness to see the faces of those who came this morning to pick up their “gift”. I saw tears in their eyes – of thankfulness. I can only say that God is Good and Faithful! It is a privilege to serve the Lord!!!!”

In the El Jordán WhatsApp group, I wrote about Teresa:

“Teresa is one of El Jordán´s "honorary" students…. She´s lived on the streets for decades along with the man she lives with…. He has broken almost every bone possible in her body (over the last 20 years)…. so she hobbles around… and every once in a while, out of the blue, she shows up for Bible study because she wants to change and be a better example for her grown children.... but she is in the middle of a tug-of-war…. We let her come because we believe God´s arm is not too short to save, even Teresa...

She phoned me, because her and Chichi no longer have food… I was out doing errands (with our pass to drive!) so I arranged to drop off some groceries…. They haven´t done drugs or gotten drunk since last time she came to class at El Jordan (in February)… They´re renting a room so they are no longer on the streets… They watch cars to earn money… but in quarantine there are no cars to watch…. The other day, Teresa was crying on her bed, they didn't have food… when there was a knock on her door, and the lady they rent from (they owe 2 months of rent!) knocked on the door to give them some food...

El Jordan - 2020 04 12I was driving them home today and we went by a group of street people, THEIR group of street people… We stopped and I saw Teresa nudge Chichi… From what God had given them, they gave some food to “their family” so they could eat too…

Please pray for Teresa and Chichi…. That the Holy Spirit would be working in their hearts… empowering and guiding them to depend completely on HIM…”

El Jordan 2020 04 12Also in the WhatsApp group I told about one of our students, Heidy Alejandra. I had been worried about her because she was unable to get to El Jordan to pick up some help for groceries… and I knew that she didn´t have very much food left, that she had been saying to her kids “I´m not hungry!” so her kids could have more to eat... I had been wondering how God would provide for her… and yesterday she sent me these pictures of her children…

Heidy Alejandra wrote me to say that she had been so worried because there wasn´t any food left…. when she heard a voice on the other side of her wall… It was a neighbour lady who had soup left over and wondered if Heidy wanted it!!! It was enough for the whole family…. and the neighbour didn´t just give the soup, she gave 6 raw eggs as well… God is good… He is the God who sees us in our need…. It has been our prayer that our students would come to KNOW that truth personally…. Praise God...

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?
And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.
But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not, therefore;
you are of more value than many sparrows.
Matthew 10:29-31

Thank God! We can trust and hope in HIM… whose arm is not short to save - even in the midst of the many uncertainties plaguing our world today… God Almighty who stretched out the heavens…. Who raised His Son from the grave… whose eye is on the sparrow… What an amazing God…. Hallelujah…


Because HE is faithful, Corina (for Marco, Keiden and Marlee)

Marco & Corina Clements Soria
WhatsApp: 591-776-90452
El Jordan: www.KidsInBolivia.org